Monday, April 14, 2008

Baby Animal Days

Friday, the boys and I, along with their cousins spent Friday at the American West Heritage Center for "Baby Animal Days". I figured this was something we had not yet done and hey why not.

We started out the day riding ponies. The amazing part in the pony rides is that TJ loved it. Whenever I have tried to put him on a horse before he would freak out but he loved it this time. We took several wagon rides. The boys were very opinionated about which tractor they wanted pulling the wagon so 3 rides laters, 2 with tractors and one with horses, they were good to go. They had a great time petting the animals. There where pigs, goats, sheep, horses, cows, bunnies, and ducks just to name a few. Jayden was a little hesitant to pet the animals, which completely suprised me. He is usually right in there but this year TJ was that way. They boys loved to bunnies but Jayden got tired of holding it and just dropped it. I was informed by the lady overseeing the bunnies "Good thing it didn't land on its head". So besides for the cold windy weather, we had a great time.


Veda said...

This looks like so much fun! I am jealous. It's been cold here as well. I don't dare wish for the heat, it will be unbearable before we know it. Miss you tons!

Veater Family said...

I am so sad I missed baby animal days :( I was at a class. I am now a certified turbo kick instructor!! Yeah baby!